Happy Friday the 13th!!! (cue ominous laughter)

In honor of this often recurring day I have for you the Scarecrow organic golden pale ale from Wychwood Brewery. I had tried some brews from Wychwood before but couldn't tell you what I thought of them it was so long ago. When I saw these in the store near the flat we were staying in in London I was drawn devilishly in by the great label. I took it back and got it cold in the fridge so I could enjoy it after a hard day of sightseeing.
The beer poured a very clear golden color without much head. The smell oddly enough reminded me of cheap American beer but with a much heavier malt presence. The beer was smooth and tasted okay but was not exciting. The malts were a little sweet and quite bready. The beer ended with some bitterness. Despite the striking label this beer turned out to be unthreatening and not nearly as dastardly delicious as I was hoping for.
Overall: 6/10
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